Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hakuna Matata

Today I find myself trying to be productive and failing. I have so much on my mind right now and it's like I all of a sudden just "woke up" and God is smacking some sense into me, it's awesome:). I was talking to a friend last night at the coffee shop about things we are passionate about and what makes us come alive. He shared a quote with me that I absolutely loved. "Don't ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go and do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive" dang, thats good stuff.  I have a passion  for Africa and the things that are happening there, it literally breaks my heart. I want to be able to fix everything and I absolutely hate being blind in America, we hear that terrible things happening but we are so safe and comfortable here that it almost doesn't seem real. Don't get me wrong I am extremely thankful to live in America and have clothing, food, shelter and protection but there are times where it honestly just  disgusts me. In the book of Revelation there is a church called Laodecia, they are neither hot nor cold in their faith but lukewarm and God says that he wants to spit them out of his mouth...When I read that for the first time I balled, because that was me and it was an awful feeling.If I felt like God wanted me to be in Africa again I would go in a heart beat, but I think that sometimes we need to be uncomfortable to grow , America makes me very uncomfortable at times. It's such an incredible feeling when you start listening to God instead of complaining to him. The things that seemed like such a big deal at the time, seem so meaningless now and you have this overwhelming feeling of joy even when things suck. I mean my car broke down the other day and I just started laughing lol.

When I was in Africa I met a lot of amazing people but there is one person who always sticks out, his name is Abendigo. There was no doubt that when you met Abendigo he loved God with all his heart:) One morning he greeted me outside and asked me how I was doing, I told him "I'm ok, how about yourself" he said "I am wonderful! sometimes I think God loves me the most!" I started crying(I cry a lot) because Abendigo's house is smaller than some of our bathrooms and he did not have "a lot". But I was completely wrong he had more than I could ever imagine having, he had love and faith and trust and knew that whatever happened in life he didn't need to worry.  So why is it that people that have nothing can be so happy, yet we who have more than enough are so unhappy all the time?. I remember my friends in Africa telling me that when I went home to the states to tell people about them, they would say"tell them about your african brothers!" "tell them Americans are lazy!" haha.. I told them about how you can drive by a window, hand the person a plastic card and recieve food, they were very suprised and disgusted. So I want to tell America about my African brothers and sisters, their story, what they like, the things that make them laugh and most importantly about their love.

So obviously if your reading this you can see that it is a passion of mine.Visit and watch the videos, it will seriously change your life. This can only give a taste to what people in Africa experience on a day to day basis, children especially. 

1 comment:

  1. "It's such an incredible feeling when you start listening to God instead of complaining to him." Amen. You are so cool. Let's keep being friends. :)
